Enliven Festival Logo

July 31 - Aug 4, Birken BC

July 31 - Aug 4, Birken BC

Early Bird Launch POSTPONED !

Dear beloved family,

We are actively working to understand some important details regarding our permitting, and have made the call to postpone the release of Early Bird tickets until we have all the information we need. This should be soon! Please make sure to join our waiting list to be notified when tickets are released. We will ensure to give you at least 1 week's notice so that you can prepare! While we share your potential frustration, we do hope that this extended timeline provides more spaciousness for you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

But wait, there's good news!

Applications are now open for Volunteers, Facilitators and Musicians!

Connection is Our Medicine

Enliven is a conscious gathering where we cultivate a sense of profound connection and belonging, in our own skin, amongst our fellow humans, and in the natural world.

Join us in this potent journey of Embodiment, Earth Wisdom, Community, Co-Creation & Sacred Play.

The Application Portal is Open !

What makes Enliven special, is it's a place that will leave you feeling

Nourished ~ Revitalized ~ Inspired & more Energized than when you arrived!

Enjoy 4 Days of:


Embodiment Practices

Vocal Freedom & Song Circles

Earth Connection

Ancestral Skills


Sound Journeys

Indigenous Storytelling

Permaculture Education

Open Mic & Fireside Jams

Authentic Relating

Kid's Activities

DJ's & Live Music

Ecstatic Dance

Contact Dance

So much dancing!


Sound Journeys

Drum Circles

Transformational Workshops

Tantric Embodiment

Personal Empowerment

Local Artists & Artisans

Play & Games

& most importantly....the most vibrant and loving community!

Be the first to get notified when Early Birds launch!